The Flags of Remembrance
We welcome you to honor and remember those killed on 9/11 along with us. We arrange 2,977 flags in the shape of the World Trade Center Towers each year. This emotional and meaningful display draws regular visitors as well as newcomers to the area with strong ties to this tragedy. A piece of steel from the WTC will be on display. In addition, the foundation provides a replica of the Twin Towers with banners to write your thoughts & prayers on. Those banners are then sent to FDNY firehouses throughout New York City. This memorial is intended to broaden the awareness of what happened that day, especially for young people who did not experience this historical event as an adult. We hope this display can provide peace and comfort to the families and all that were affected.
The foundation is funded by several annual fundraising events as well as being financially supported in many other ways. The purpose is to raise funds throughout the year to support the charters of the foundation. In the past these events have included silent auctions, private monetary donations, restaurant sponsor proceeds, business donations and many, many hours of great people volunteering their time. There are several upcoming events that are planned for the upcoming year not only to raise funds for the foundation but so "we will never forget" Steve and all the other heroes that we have lost.
In 2010, The FF Steven Coakley Foundation was awarded steel from the World Trade Center by the 9/11 Commission and was used in a mobile 9/11 Memorial.
The FF Steven Coakley Foundation’s – 9/11 Mobile Memorial is on display annually at the FF Steven Coakley Golf Tournament in May and at the 9/11 The Flags of Remembrance each September.